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Eric Dubay

Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments

The Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments attempted to measure the change in speed of light due to Earth’s assumed motion through space. After measuring in every possible different direction in various locations they failed to detect any significant change whatsoever, again proving the stationary geocentric model.…

Olber’s Paradox

“Olber’s Paradox” states that if there were billions of stars which are…

“Gravity” magically and inexplicably drags the entire lower-atmosphere of the Earth

May 17, 2019
Ball-believers often claim “gravity” magically and inexplicably drags the entire lower-atmosphere of the Earth in perfect synchronization up to some undetermined height where this progressively faster spinning atmosphere gives way to the non-spinning, non-gravitized, non-atmosphere of infinite vacuum space. Such non-sensical theories are debunked, however, by rain, fireworks, birds, bugs,…

The Red Bull Stratosphere Dive

May 17, 2019
If Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000 mph, during the Red Bull stratosphere dive, Felix Baumgartner, spending 3 hours ascending over New Mexico, should have landed 2500 miles West into the Pacific Ocean but instead landed a few dozen miles East of the take-off point.…

Constantly Spinning Earth at 1000 mph

February 19, 2019
If Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000mph, vertically-fired cannonballs and other projectiles should fall significantly due west. In actual fact, however, whenever this has been tested, vertically-fired cannonballs shoot upwards an average of 14 seconds ascending, 14 seconds descending, and fall back to the ground no more…

No Parallax of Stars After Orbit Around Sun

February 19, 2019
Tycho Brahe famously argued against the heliocentric theory in his time, positing that if the Earth revolved around the Sun, the change in relative position of the stars after 6 months orbital motion could not fail to be seen. He argued that the stars should seem to separate as we…

Airy’s Failure

February 19, 2019
The experiment known as “Airy’s Failure” proved that the stars move relative to a stationary Earth and not the other way around. By first filling a telescope with water to slow down the speed of light inside, then calculating the tilt necessary to get the starlight directly down the tube,…
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Quo natum nemore putant in, his te case habemus. Nulla detraxit explicari in vim. Id eam magna omnesque.Quo natum nemore putant in, his te case habemus. Nulla detraxit explicari ...

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WrightMic Microphone Review

Labore nonumes te vel, vis id errem tantas tempor. Solet quidam salutatus at quo. Tantas comprehensam te sea, usu sanctus similique ei.…




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